From 21 until 29 September Democracy International will be organising an online conference on modern direct democracy.

The Corona virus crisis has touched all aspects of our lives, the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy is no exception to this. Originally planned for September this year, we have had to postpone our conference to 28 April - 1 May 2021. However, to tide over the many democracy supporters around the world who were looking forward to attending the Forum this year, we have decided to organise an online event. From 21-29 September we will be offering a series of webinars.


The online conference will offer 4 thematic tracks:

  • Climate, sustainability and direct democracy
  • Swiss direct democracy in practice
  • The future of democracy
  • Democracy in crisis

The programme will entail panels and webinars as well hands-on workshops.

More information and registration can be found here:



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