21 July 2020 18:30 to 20:00
ONLINE: States of Emergency - Separation of powers in times of crisis
  Cologne, DE Conference


Join us for our discussion series on Democracy in times of the Covid-19 crisis!

Countries around the world are facing an unprecedented challenge in dealing with the global outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. The measures being put in place, while often timely and necessary, have real and sometimes unanticipated impacts on our democratic practices and processes.

What does a state of emergency entail and what effects does it have on democracy and the separation of powers? Experts from Hungary, Brazil & India join us for an interactive discussion.

We have been monitoring the measures that have been put in place and how they impact democracy in different countries. Through interviews and regular group calls, we have been discussing with democracy activists everywhere on the issues they experience, the problems they face and the opportunities they see for the future of democracy: https://www.democracy.community/forms/challenges-democracy-during-global-pandemic


  • Zoltan Tibor Pallinger
    Head of Political Theory and European Democracy Theory at Andrássy University Budapest, Hungary
  • Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer
    Professor of Constitutional Law at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and Research Fellow of the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
  • Prashant Tandon
    Vice-President of the India Greens Party




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