19 April 2020 22:00
Citizen Assembly (online)
  L'viv, UA Conference


In our Citizen Assembly meetings we use a groundbreaking technology called Egora, "The Worldwide Stock-Market of Ideas".  By using a stock-market for organizing information, we are able to scale the dynamics of a citizen democracy to unlimited size. This means that it is a system in which the people have the power.  But it also turns people into political philosophers.

Egora enables people to
1) develop their political philosophy out of various ideas,
2) determine which ideas are most strongly supported by the people, and 
3) algorithmically find the true representatives of the public will and elect them into public office.

Please join us in our global video conference via the Zoom application: Room Number 2323-00-2323


International Logic Party


When this function is enabled, you can see the profiles and contact information of the participants planning to attend this event here.