If you would like to contribute an article to our Community, you can do so by sending it to info@democracy.community.
Please, only send us articles that you have written yourself and/or that you have the rights to and make sure that your article is in accordance with our editorial standards:
All submissions must be in English and related to matters of direct democracy or citizen participation.
All submissions should include the following elements:
- A title: it should be short (less than 60 characters) and adequately describe the content of your piece. Write your title in active voice. Please avoid two-part titles and subtitles.
- Intro: Each article is prefaced by a short introduction text of around 50 words. This introduction should touch upon the main content of the article. Keep in mind the five W’s: Who, What, Where, When, Why?
- Body text: Limit yourself to one specific subject and be concise in your writing. The body text should not be over 1500 words and preferably under 1000 words. If you refer to the work of others, please make sure to give appropriate accreditation – use links where possible. Make sure that any claims you make are verified. If your text contains opinions, make sure that they are clearly marked as such.
- Author: Include the full name and job title (or involvement with projects relevant to the content of your article) of the author. If you are not the author, make sure you have the right to publish the story. Ideally, you will also send us a short bio of a couple of lines for the author.
- Image: Please include a relevant image that you have the right to, to accompany your story. The image should be in landscape orientation and of sufficient image quality (over 500*500px).
In order to be adequately credited as the author, make sure that you have published your profile. If you are not visible on the map or in the list, this is not the case. You can read how to finalise your profile here.
We reserve the right to refuse publication. We will not publish articles that are not in accordance with our mission statement or that serve a commercial interest.