On this page, we are collecting all recent news stories related to how the measures to stop the spread of the Corona-virus are impacting our democracies.
06.7.2020 – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Das Virus nimmt keine Rücksicht auf schlechte Regierungen
Wer weniger testet, hat weniger Infektionen? Politische Geisterfahrer, die so rechnen in der Pandemie, verhöhnen den Verstand. Und sie entfernen uns alle nur weiter von einer Erholung der globalisierten Welt.
06.7.2020 – The Wall Street Journal
Candidates Confront 2020 Election Campaigns Remade by Coronavirus
Politicians are caught between the risks of courting voters in person and relying on untested digital operations
06.7.2020 – The New York Times
Egypt Arrests Doctors, Silences Critics Over Virus Outbreak
A doctor arrested after writing an article about Egypt’s fragile health system. A pharmacist picked up from work after posting online about a shortage of protective gear. An editor taken from his home after questioning official coronavirus figures. A pregnant doctor arrested after a colleague used her phone to report a suspected coronavirus case.
05.7.2020 – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Aus eigener Stärke
Krisenhafte Entwicklungen hat es in Europa schon lange gegeben. Jetzt sollten wir die Corona-Pandemie dazu nutzen, uns zu fragen: Was haben wir in der Vergangenheit übertrieben? Wo sollten wir maßvoller werden? Und was können wir für die Zukunft besser machen? Ein Gastbeitrag.
04.7.2020 – The Economist
Malawi’s re-run election is a victory for democracy
Brave judges, a feisty press and plucky civil society boost a hopeful trend in Africa
02.7.2020 – The European Sting
This Filipino journalist is fighting for press freedom in COVID-19 lockdown
Journalist Maria Ressa is on bail after being found guilty of cyber-libel in the Philippines. She spoke to the World Economic Forum about press freedom and the threat misinformation on social media poses to democracy.
02.7.2020 – EUtoday
Webinar: Why Asia matters: Coronavirus and beyond
The Brussels-based European Foundation for Democracy, in collaboration with the US Mission to the EU, recently hosted a webinar discussing the west's relationship with China, which is changing as the latter becomes more confident, and more aggressive.
01.7.2020 – The New York Times
Coronavirus Slump Threatens Mexican President's Crusade on Poverty
When President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador won office with the biggest popular mandate since Mexico's transition to democracy, he pledged to transform the country from the bottom up, putting the poor first.
01.7.2020 – New York Times
The Theatrical Method in Putin’s Vote Madness
Russia’s seven-day national plebiscite, intended to keep President Vladimir V. Putin in power until at least 2036, delivered the expected verdict on Wednesday: Early results showed that three-quarters of voters had given their endorsement.
28.6.2020 – New York Times
Voters in Poland Appear to Force a Runoff for President
The incumbent, Andrzej Duda, will face Warsaw’s mayor, Rafal Trzaskowski, on July 12, according to exit polls. Turnout was high in Europe’s first major election during the pandemic.
24.6.2020 – South China Morning Post
Mongolia heads to polls amid coronavirus success but corruption, economy a worry
Economic malaise, corruption and weak public services dominate concerns among the country’s 3.2 million people, about half of whom live in the capital. Despite discontent, ruling party expected to make strong showing based on competence in running government affairs and deft handling of Covid-19.
21.6.2020 – Tagesspiegel
Der Notstand der ungarischen Demokratie
Nur wenige unabhängige Medien haben dem politischen Druck standgehalten. Die letzten drohen in der Corona-Wirtschaftskrise zu sterben.
20.6.2020 – New York Times
Hong Kong Unions, Students Fail to Get Support for Strikes Against Security Law
After a year of often-violent unrest, anti-government demonstrations have lost momentum due to higher risk of arrest, with recent rallies failing to receive police approval due to coronavirus restrictions on large crowds.
19.6.2020 – New York Times
Serbs to Vote Amid Virus Concerns, Political Divisions
Serbia is holding a parliamentary vote this weekend that takes place amid concerns over the continuing spread of the new coronavirus and political divisions in the Balkan country.
18.6.2020 – Politico
Coronavirus may change Nordic friendships forever
When Finland shut its border with Sweden to stop the spread of coronavirus, it felt to Swedish lawmaker Ida Karkiainen like a throwback to the Cold War.
18.6.2020 – Spiegel
"Wir dürfen nicht naiv sein"
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel warnt davor, dass antidemokratische Kräfte die Coronakrise "politisch missbrauchen". Bei der anstehenden EU-Ratspräsidentschaft wolle sich Deutschland gegen eine drohende Spaltung einsetzen.
17.6.2020 – Foreign Policy
French Watchdog Warns Against COVID-19 Smart Surveillance
The use of a new range of surveillance cameras to check adherence to rules in the wake of the novel coronavirus outbreak risks undermining the fabric of democracy, France's data privacy watchdog CNIL said on Wednesday.
15.6.2020 – Spiegel
"Lieschen Müller ist die größere Bedrohung für den Datenschutz"
Digitalstaatsministerin Dorothee Bär wirbt für die geplante Corona-Warn-App des Bundes. Die Kritik von "typisch deutschen Bedenkenträgern" hält sie für überzogen.
15.6.2020 – Spiegel
Regierungssprecher Seibert schließt Zwang zur Nutzung der Corona-Warn-App aus
Für das Datenschutzkonzept der Corona-Warn-App und die Veröffentlichung des Codes gab es Applaus. Doch manche fürchten einen indirekten Zwang zur Nutzung. Den schließt der Regierungssprecher aus.
15.6.2020 – OpenDemocracy
Covid-19 crisis: normality was the problem
Once we transcend the sanitary crisis, we may see the reemergence of the social movements that were budding all over the world.
14.6.2020 – Jacobin
The Decline of Democracy in Hungary Is a Troubling Vision of the Future
Hungarian premier Viktor Orbán has used the COVID-19 pandemic as a pretext to silence his critics, even as he endorses street mobilizations by the organized far-right. But these aren’t just the pathologies of a country with weak democratic traditions — they’re an extreme version of a reactionary turn happening across the West.
14.6.2020 – Foreign Policy
To Save Its Democracy, the United States Needs a Dose of Its Own Medicine
Americans have long worked abroad to promote democratic practices and institutions. Now, more than ever, those lessons must be applied at home.
11.6.2020 – South China Morning Post
Indonesia sours on democracy as coronavirus ravages economy, survey finds
Observers have raised concerns that some in Indonesia, a young democracy with a history of dictatorship, may be yearning for a return to authoritarian rule
11.6.2020 – Reuters
Coronavirus boosts community spirit - and nationalism
The coronavirus pandemic is boosting both nationalism and community spirit, unleashing shifts in attitudes that would usually take years to trickle down, according to a survey released on Thursday.
8.6.2020 – South China Morning Post
Singapore reveals coronavirus-era election measures, as July poll speculation increases
This comes amid rumours that PM Lee Hsien Loong may call a general election in July, soon after circuit breaker measures are further eased
5.6.2020 – France 24
CCTV, masks, drones: Is France's 'liberté' under threat?
In this week's show we're putting the focus on how France's response to Covid-19 has threatened the country's founding notion of "liberté" or freedom. Between lockdown, restrictions on freedom of movement, a ban on gatherings and forcibly shuttered shops, individual and collective rights have been dealt some serious setbacks in the name of beating the pandemic.
2.6.2020 – Channel News Asia
COVID-19 laws in force indefinitely after amendments which include new details for post-circuit breaker
Singapore, though ending the “circuit breaker” period, has kept many of the laws which restrict among others, the freedom of movement of its citizens’.
2.6.2020 – South China Morning Post
China unveils plan to make Hainan a free trade hub like Hong Kong, Singapore as risks of US decoupling loom
The tropical island will benefit from a low income tax rate, freedoms in trade, investment, capital flows and an easier investment environment
1.6.2020 – Spiegel
Die Qual mit der Wahl
In drei Bundesländern wird im Frühjahr gewählt. Doch in der Coronakrise ist die Kandidatenkür bislang kaum möglich, der Zeitdruck auf die Parteien wächst. Und für eine zweite Infektionswelle fehlt Plan B.
1.6.2020 – Aljazeera
Bolsonaro saddles up to join rally against Brazil's top court
Brazil's president shook hands with supporters, wearing no face mask despite its use being mandatory in the capital.
1.6.2020 – Süddeutsche Zeitung
Die Stunde der Einflüsterer
Die Corona-Krise dient Lobbyisten doppelt als Begründung: Viele von ihnen fordern Geld vom Staat. Und mit Verweis auf die gefährliche Seuche bekämpfen sie unliebsame Vorhaben: beim Umweltschutz oder in der Steuer- und Agrarpolitik.
1.6.2020 – New York Times
Hong Kong Bans Tiananmen Vigil for 1st Time, in New Challenge to Protests
Days after China moved to enact new security laws for Hong Kong, the territory’s police rejected permission for an annual vigil to honor the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.
26.5.2020 – Aljazeera
Hungary government says PM's power to rule by decree to end on June 20
A coronavirus defence bill adopted in March let right-wing nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban rule by decree.
26.05.2020 – Foreign Policy
Will Bolsonaro Pay the Price for a Botched Pandemic Response?
Brazil now has the second highest number of coronavirus cases globally, and the president’s approval rating keeps slipping.
26.5.2020 – Channel News Asia
COVID-19: As Chinese authorities expand use of health tracking apps, privacy concerns grow
China’s health tracking QR codes, implemented initially to contain the spread of the coronavirus, which automatically collect travel and medical data, is now being proposed to become a permanent part of the healthcare system.
22.05.2020 – Foreign Policy
The Coronavirus Is Delaying Elections Worldwide
Dozens of countries are opting to postpone elections for the sake of public health.
20.5.2020 – Wall Street Journal
Freedom and Sweden’s Constitution
The country’s laissez-faire response to the coronavirus pandemic has deep roots in both culture and law
15.5.2020 – Spiegel International
Berlin Fears Populists Will Exploit Protest Movement
A vocal minority in Germany opposes the restrictions put in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, including right-wing radicals, but also people at the center of society. How can the government best address the protest government
14.5.2020 – Foreign Policy
I Criticized My University’s Ties to the Chinese Government. Now I Face Expulsion
Australian institutions’ financial ties to China means ditching values. In the face of the Chinese government attempting to encroach on the freedoms attributed to Hong Kong citizens, a student at the University of Queensland who critiqued human rights breaches is being silenced.
11.05.2020 – Radio Free Europe
As Countries Emerge From COVID-19 Lockdowns, Debates Emerge On How, When To Hold Elections
From Russia, Iran, and the Balkans to presidential primaries in 16 U.S. states, elections around the world have been postponed by coronavirus restrictions.
08.05.2020 – European Western Balkans
Media freedom shrinks in Southeast Europe due to COVID-19 crisis
Excessive government control, democratic backsliding built on the pre-existing trend of media capture and shrinking of space for media freedoms are the striking similar consequences when it comes to the imposed COVID-19 measures across the Southeast Europe (SEE).
8.5.2020 – New York Times
E.U. faces new criticism over China’s censorship of opinion piece
The European Union faces new embarrassment and criticism over its clumsy efforts to stay on the good side of China while promoting itself as a defender of transparency and the rule of law.
7.5.2020 – Aljazeera
Poland postpones presidential vote amid coronavirus lockdown
President Duda ahead in polls originally set on Sunday but pandemic left uncertainty about voting and his future.
7.5.2020 – Wall Street Journal
Israeli Leader Netanyahu Gets Mandate to Form Government
Amidst Coronavirus epidemic Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to be sworn in next week as he heads towards his corruption trial.
6.5.2020 – Spiegel International
China Is Happy to Fill the Leadership Vacuum Left by the U.S.
In the global jostling amid the coronavirus crisis, Beijing is extending its influence while U.S. President Donald Trump continues to squander America's leadership role. The pandemic could mark the beginning of a new Chinese era.
4.5.2020 – Wall Street Journal
Some US-States Dabble in Online Voting, Weighing Pandemic Against Cybersecurity Concerns
With the potential resurgence of the coronavirus in the fall of 2020, many are questioning how they will vote in November without jeopardizing their health. Some lawmakers are calling for universal voting by mail, while others are saying it’s not worth the risk.
28.04.2020 – Swissinfo
Why social trust beats big government in fighting the virus
It is the hour of big government, as executives navigate societies around the world through the wild waters of the Covid-19 pandemic. And while some governments are misusing the momentum to not only fight the virus but also attack democratic rights, others are anchoring their strategies on a fundamental public asset – social trust.
28.04.2020 – Human Rights Watch
Poland: Make Vote for President Free, Fair, Safe
Ensure That All Who Qualify Are Able to Vote.
27.04.2020 – Amnesty International
Burundi: Election campaigns kick-off amid COVID-19, harassment and tension
Political campaigning ahead of the 20 May presidential elections officially kicks off in Burundi today against a backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and continued intimidation of people by the Imbonerakure youth wing of the ruling party, the National Council for Defence of Democracy – Forces for the Defence of Democracy (CNDD-FDD).
27.04.2020 – Reuters
Coronavirus stirs rancour in South Africa on democracy anniversary
South Africa’s divisions over race and wealth inequality, which the COVID-19 crisis had briefly sidelined, returned to the fore on Monday’s 26th anniversary of the end of apartheid.
27.04.2020 – Swissinfo
Coronavirus tests Swiss political system
In mid-March, as the first cases of Covid-19 crossed the Alps from Lombardy in nearby Italy, Swiss lawmakers abandoned the spring session of the federal assembly. The doors of the neo-classical parliament building in Bern have been closed since on the advice of the health authorities.
24.04.2020 – Global Voices
COVID-19 in the Middle East: Is this pandemic a health crisis or a war?
War analogies drive patronizing, alarming language that generates division
23.04.2020 – Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy
Elections in the time of Covid-19
The international Coronavirus outbreak has serious implications for democracy worldwide. In the #NeverLockdownDemocracy blog series, the NIMD network takes a global view of how we can respond to the pandemic as we continue our work to protect democracy. Follow @WeAreNIMD on Twitter and the hashtag #NeverLockdownDemocracy to never miss a post.
22.04.2020 – ABC News
As coronavirus upends elections, ballot access becomes next point of concern
Third parties, ballot initiatives hit roadblocks without in-person petitioning.
22.04.2020 – Zócalo
A Letter From Bonn, Where Quiet Calm Meets COVID
A Powerful and Transparent Health System—And a Confident Chancellor—Counteract a Crisis
21.04.2020 – Verfassungsblog
State of Emergency Through the Back Door
Banning Fake News in Indonesia During the Spread of COVID-19
20.04.2020 – The Guardian
Peru: riot police block highway as people attempt to flee amid lockdown
Police also fired teargas into crowds of people as country’s coronavirus lockdown entered sixth week
20.04.2020 – ANSA
Local elections put off till Sep-Dec (2)
Cabinet decides to postpone next round of votes
20.04.2020 – Human Rights Watch
Hong Kong: Crackdown Amid Covid-19
Beijing ‘Reinterprets’ City’s Constitution, Punishes Democracy Advocates
20.04.2020 – Hong Kong Free Press
Explainer: Beijing’s 5-day crackdown on Hong Kong’s opposition during covid-19
With world’s attention focused on the coronavirus pandemic and protesters off the streets, Chinese and Hong Kong authorities stepped up their efforts to crack down on the pro-democracy movement in the semi-autonomous territory.
20.04.2020 – RNZ
Bougainville looking to delay election up to two months
Bougainville's government is planning to delay the regional election by up to two months because of the Covid-19 lockdown.
20.04.2020 – Governing.com
The 2020 Elections: Is America Ready to Vote by Mail?
The pandemic has raised concerns about keeping this year’s voting process healthy and safe. Allowing voters to send in their ballots by mail could be the answer, but it will be costly and some worry about potential fraud.
19.04.2020 – Haaretz
Two Thousand Israelis Brave Coronavirus Fears to Protest Assault on Democracy
Organizers of the 'Black Flag' protest at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv were required to mark spots for people to maintain distance from each other and provide face masks
19.04.2020 – RFI
Mali votes in election runoff amid coronavirus and jihadist threats
Mali has begun voting in the final round of legislative elections, aimed at restoring faith in its unstable institutions. Sunday's ballot goes ahead despite the continued spread of the coronavirus and persistent jihadist violence, including during the first round vote.
18.04.2020 – Hungarian Spectrum
One of Viktor Orbán’s first Enabling Act decrees was issued yesterday
The Orbán government often presents legislative proposals to parliament when the chamber is empty. This is what happened on the last two occasions, when Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén presented proposals to parliament which had nothing to do with the coronavirus. Another favorite trick is to release new government decrees and regulations late Friday night, when the few newspapers that still exist have already gone to press. No newspapers appear on Sunday, and therefore the news, which is no longer fresh, will appear only on Monday morning.
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16.04.2020 – CBS News
Fears of eroding democracy in Eastern Europe as Poland's government pushes for a coronavirus election
While the world battles the coronavirus pandemic, there are concerns that some world leaders are exploiting the crisis for political gain. Despite the outbreak and lockdown in the country, Poland's ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) plans to go ahead with the presidential election set to take place on May 10.
16.04.2020 – The Atlantic
America’s COVID-19 Disaster Is a Setback for Democracy
If the country’s institutions cannot function effectively during a crisis, and especially if a view takes hold that authoritarian regimes are managing the crisis more decisively, a grim future lies ahead.
16.04.2020 – African Arguments
Sweeping powers and a transition on ice: Pandemic politics in Ethiopia
Ethiopia’s state of emergency gives it both vague wide-ranging powers and an impending political headache.
16.04.2020 – The New York Times
This Is How to Hold a Coronavirus Election
South Korea has been a model of testing and tracing during the epidemic. Now it is for voting, too.
16.04.2020 – BBC
South Korea election: Ruling party wins amid coronavirus outbreak
The party of South Korean President Moon Jae-in has won a decisive victory in parliamentary elections, with voters backing the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic.
15.04.2020 – Swissinfo
Funding the World Health Organization: where the US money goes
The United States has temporarily suspended its funding to the Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO) over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Here is a look at most recent US contributions to the UN health agency and how the money was spent.
15.04.2020 – The Guardian
New Zealand's Covid-19 strategy looks successful, but we must safeguard democracy
Civil society, the media and the parliamentary system – which normally keep a check on government – are now seriously weakened
15.04.2020 – The Guardian
The tech ‘solutions’ for coronavirus take the surveillance state to the next level
The role of the digital revolutionaries is to disrupt everything but the central institution of modern life: the market
14.04.2020 – The Guardian
Concerns over Polish government tightening abortion laws during Covid-19 crisis
With street protests now an impossibility, human rights groups fear that Poland’s conservative government will push through ‘dangerous legislation’
14.04.2020 – Time
We Can't Let the Virus Infect Democracy
All around the world, leaders are gaining more power. That’s what this pandemic demands: a coordinated whole-of-nation approach with a powerful conductor at its center. We have to be careful, though, that the measures we are taking to tackle this global crisis don’t bring about another one: the death of democracy as we know it.
14.04.2020 – The Guardian
South Korea votes in first national election of coronavirus era
Widespread approval of President Moon Jae-in’s handling of crisis could boost his party’s chances
13.04.2020 – The Guardian
'Hybrid' virtual parliament plans to be put to MPs next week
MPs likely to be able to speak in Commons via video conferencing technology under plans
12.04.2020 – Financial Times
EU must call out the follies of Poland’s Covid-19 election
A perfectly appropriate and entirely legal way of postponing the poll exists
12.04.2020 – The East African
Democracy put to the test as poll body in Ethiopia hides behind virus
The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted Ethiopia’s plans to hold elections on August 29, but the decision to postpone the poll remains controversial.
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We are monitoring the impact of the measures to halt the Coronavirus on our democracies. |
09.04.2020 – BBC
Coronavirus in Africa: Emergency laws v individual rights
Armed variously with guns, whips and tear gas canisters, security officers in several African countries have been beating, harassing and, in some cases, killing people as they enforce measures aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19.
09.04.2020 – Central Asia News
Kazakh Civil Rights Activists Under Pressure Amid Coronavirus Spread
Civil rights activists in Kazakhstan have been under mounting pressure in the past several days as authorities impose even stricter controls to slow the spread of coronavirus.
07.04.2020 – Global voices
Serbian government revokes controversial COVID-19-related decree used as pretext to arrests journalists
A journalist was recently arrested for "inciting panic and unrest"
07.04.2020 – Balkan Insight
How Democracies Can Beat the Pandemic
Contrary to popular belief, the coronavirus crisis has not strengthened the case for authoritarianism. Rather, it has shown the need for national unity governments.
07.04.2020 – BBC
Poland plans May election despite pandemic
Poland’s lawmakers have voted to ensure its presidential election scheduled for May goes ahead, despite coronavirus.
07.04.2020 - Quartz
How South Korea is running a nationwide election in the midst of a pandemic
As countries around the world have delayed elections due to the coronavirus pandemic, South Korea is going ahead with voting next week, as it tries to balance its obligations both to civil liberties and to public health.
07.04.2020 – The Wall Street Journal
Wisconsin Holds Election Despite Coronavirus After Efforts to Delay Failed
Many other states have postponed elections to comply with public-health recommendations to avoid crowds
07.04.2020 – The Guardian
'Coronavirus doesn't respect barbed wire': concern mounts for Greek camps
Calls grow for EU countries to accept refugees as outbreaks fuel fears that virus could rampage through overcrowded facilities
05.04.2020 – CNN
Taiwan's coronavirus response is among the best globally
On January 25, as the world was still waking up to the potential danger of the novel coronavirus spreading rapidly out of central China, two governments recorded four new infections within their territory.
03.04.2020 – The Guardian
'They're leaving us to die': Ecuadorians' plead for help as virus blazes deadly trail
Dead bodies kept in homes or dumped on roadsides as authorities and hospitals are overwhelmed by Covid-19 in Andean nation’s second city
03.04.2020 – BBC
Coronavirus: Peru limits movement by gender to stem spread
Peru has begun enforcing strict new measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus disease, restricting public movement by gender.
03.04.2020 – The Globe and Mail
When viruses threaten, the strongest disinfectant is democracy
If you want to see bold leadership in the fight against this pandemic, look no further than Turkmenistan, where dictator Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov put his foot down and banned any use, in conversation or print, of the word “coronavirus.”
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We are monitoring the impact of the measures to halt the Coronavirus on our democracies. |
02.04.2020 – Americas Quarterly
How to Think About the Lockdown Decision in Latin America
Closing a country is a moral dilemma, and it goes deeper than whether we are choosing lives over the economy.
02.04.2020 – The Guardian
Democratic leaders win surge of approval during Covid-19 crisis
Political scientists warn ‘rally round flag’ effect won’t last and populist parties will bounce back
02.04.2020 - Balkan Insight
Why Populists Love the Pandemic
Illiberal politicians in Hungary, Poland and beyond are exploiting the coronavirus crisis to bolster their power.
02.04.2020 - BBC
Coronavirus: Commons Speaker calls for 'virtual Parliament'
MPs should be able to take part in Prime Minister's Questions and debates via video if they are unable to return to work, Sir Lindsay Hoyle has said.
01.04.2020 – The Guardian
Teargas, beatings and bleach: the most extreme Covid-19 lockdown controls around the world
Violence and humiliation used to police coronavirus curfews around globe, often affecting the poorest and more vulnerable.
01.04.2020 - Hungarian Spectrum
Decrees that have nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic
In the dead of night, after parliament passed “On protecting against the coronavirus” and President János Áder signed it into law after two hours of “hard constitutional scrutiny,” Zsolt Semjén, deputy prime minister, turned in 15 new legislative proposals, none of which had anything to do with the coronavirus pandemic. If it hadn’t been clear before, by this morning it became obvious that Viktor Orbán’s “enabling act” was designed to give the government the freedom to deal with contentious issues without any interference.
01.04.2020 - Swissinfo
Hail to the expert? Modern Direct democracy in times of crisis
One of the new rituals in Switzerland is the almost daily Covid-19 press conference, where ministry officials in Bern line up to report on how the virus is affecting the country.
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31.03.2020 - Balkan Insight
Hungary ‘No Longer a Democracy’ After Coronavirus Law
Unlimited emergency powers granted to Prime Minister Viktor Orban have taken Hungary a step closer to dictatorship, critics say. How low can Orban go?
31.03.2020 – BBC
Coronavirus: World leaders' posts deleted over fake news
Facebook and Twitter have deleted posts from world leaders for spreading misinformation about the coronavirus.
31.03.2020 - Reuters
Ethiopia postpones August election due to coronavirus
Ethiopia has postponed parliamentary elections scheduled for August due to the coronavirus outbreak, the electoral board said on Tuesday, a move endorsed by some key opposition parties.
30.03.2020 – BBC
Coronavirus: India's pandemic lockdown turns into a human tragedy
When I spoke to him on the phone, he had just returned home to his village in the northern state of Rajasthan from neighbouring Gujarat, where he worked as a mason.
30.03.2020 – Democratic Audit
Elections and Covid-19: making democracy work in uncertain times
Erik Asplund and Toby James discuss the dilemmas countries around the globe face about holding or postponing elections during the pandemic, and set out some guidelines to follow in ensuring democratic participation remains fair and open during the crisis.
30.03.2020 - Global Voices
COVID-19 pandemic adversely affects digital rights in the Balkans
Government measures are flouting human rights standards
30.03.2020 - Verfassungsblog
Fighting COVID 19 – Legal Powers and Risks: Spain
A global health crisis, broadcasted almost instantly, arguably ensures that most citizens accept health recommendations responsibly, and no coercive measures are needed for them to take precautions. In fact, the first decisions made by the Spanish health authorities with respect to COVID-19 were passed through documents with no regulatory value.
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29.03.2020 - CNN
Experts are warning coronavirus puts the integrity of the 2020 election at risk. Here's what could happen in November
As states scramble to delay their spring primaries, election professionals and voting experts are anxiously looking ahead to November and warning that the coronavirus pandemic is already threatening the safety and integrity of the next presidential election.
28.03.2020 - US news
Poland's PiS Change Electoral Rules Ahead of Presidential Vote
Poland's ruling nationalists fast-tracked changes to the electoral code through parliament in the early hours of Saturday in a bid to press ahead with presidential elections in May which have been criticized by opposition parties who want the vote to be postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.
28.03.2020 - Swissinfo
How Covid-19 has hit democracy worldwide
The ongoing pandemic has put the entire world on hold. Public activities have been cancelled – even the release of the newest James Bond movie – while popular votes around the globe have been postponed. However, there is no reasons for autocrats, nationalists and populists to declare victory.
27.03.2020 - Southeast Asia Globe
Cambodia’s COVID-19 “fake news” crackdown
The Cambodian government has undertaken a recent spate of arrests, charging people with spreading "fake news" regarding COVID-19. Rights groups have expressed concern that this is merely a pretext for a clampdown on political dissent.
27.03.2020 - The Guardian
Trump administration allows companies to break pollution laws during coronavirus pandemic
Extraordinary move signals to US companies that they will not face any sanctions for polluting the air or water.
27.03.2020 - Swissinfo
How the virus puts the Swiss political system to test
News conferences and statements by politicians these days allow observers a privileged insight into the inner workings of the Swiss political system and the balance of power between the national and the regional (or cantonal) authorities.
26.03.2020 - International IDEA
Elections and COVID-19
The global spread of COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus disease) has profoundly impacted on the delivery of public services and routine events that are integral to inclusive societies. Electoral processes are one such event.
24.03.2020 - Verfassungsblog
An Election in the Time of Pandemic
In Poland, the Law and Justice (PiS) government has opted not to use its constitutional power to declare a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 spreading.
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24.03.2020 - The Guardian
'Wartime' coronavirus powers could hurt our democracy – without keeping us safe
During a war, the liberal democratic order is temporary suspended. We must proceed with care.
24.03.2020 - Reporters Without Borders
“If the Chinese press were free, the coronavirus might not be a pandemic,” argues RSF
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) shows that, without the control and censorship imposed by the authorities, the Chinese media would have informed the public much earlier of the severity of the coronavirus epidemic, sparing thousands of lives and perhaps avoiding the current pandemic.
23.03.2020 - The Guardian
Hungary to consider bill that would allow Orbán to rule by decree
Government says legislation is a necessary response to coronavirus but critics fear it is open to abuse.
22.03.2020 - New York Times
Guinea Holds Contentious Referendum Despite Coronavirus Outbreak
Despite the threat of coronavirus and an opposition boycott, a constitutional referendum was held in Guinea on Sunday that opponents of President Alpha Conde fear could allow him to govern for 12 more years.
21.03.2020 - New York Times
Bolivia Postpones Elections, Announces Nationwide 14-Day Quarantine to Stem Spread of Coronavirus
Bolivia's interim government announced on Saturday it would postpone presidential elections originally slated for May 3 and institute a mandatory countrywide quarantine for 14 days as coronavirus spread across the Andean nation.
20.03.2020 - The Atlantic
Democracies Must Learn to Work From Home
The coronavirus is forcing everyone to adapt. Governments should be no different.
20.03.2020 - Verfassungsblog
Fighting COVID 19 – Legal Powers and Risks: Germany
Germany is in the middle of the global Corona Crisis. Currently, about 11,000 people are infected with the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and 20 people have died of Covid-19 in Germany. The DAX is experiencing price slumps similar to those experienced during the financial crisis in 2008. The following blogpost provides an overview of the relevant legal instruments in the fight against the virus.
19.03.2020 - Washington Post
Freedom-of-speech restrictions could worsen coronavirus crisis: Watchdog
An independent democracy advocacy organization is warning that authoritarian regimes are using the global coronavirus outbreak to suppress freedoms of speech and restrict fundamental rights outside of the scope of public health needs.
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We are monitoring the impact of the measures to halt the Coronavirus on our democracies. |
18.03.2020 - Swissinfo
Switzerland - Referendum: Virus forces delay of vote on EU free movement deal
The Swiss government has called off a planned nationwide ballot about a proposal to scrap an accord with the European Union on the free movement of people.
17.03.2020 - Reuters
Chile may postpone referendum on new constitution as coronavirus quells protests
Chile may postpone a referendum on a new constitution scheduled for April 26 due to the coronavirus outbreak, Interior Minister Gonzalo Blumel said on Tuesday.
17.03.2020 - DPA
Armenia delays Constitutional Court referendum due to coronavirus
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, Armenia has halted preparations for a referendum on removing judges from its Constitutional Court, which had been planned for next month, state media reported.
15.03.2020 - The Guardian
France - local elections: Coronavirus causes French voters to stay away from local elections
Rate of abstention at popular municipal polls reaches 56% as number of confirmed cases rises to 5,400
15.03.2020 - The Guardian
Georgia second US state to delay presidential primaries over coronavirus fears
Georgia, where Joe Biden is ahead of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic race, joins Louisiana in pushing back voting as Covid-19 spread.
11.03.2020 – The Washington Post
South Korea shows that democracies can succeed against the coronavirus
Some commentators are arguing that China’s coronavirus response attests to the superiority of its authoritarian brand of governance and crisis management. In reality, it turns out that democracies are better suited to protect public health — at least, when they take advantage of their inherent strengths.