Share your local governance and democracy data here.

(Democracy Garage, Copenhagen photo by Joe Mathews).

The Local Democracy Data Center, a project of Democracy Local, is working to assemble and make freely accessible all data and surveys on local democracy and governance around the planet.

Please share your data sets here or contact us directly at

International IDEA – Voter Turnout Database Contains data on voter turnout for elections, including local elections, across various countries

World Bank Governance Indicators Provides indicators on governance that can include aspects related to local democracy and governance.

Open Government Partnership (OGP). Data and resources on open government commitments, which often involve local governance

Local Government Finance Dataset (UK) Provides detailed financial data for local governments in the United Kingdom.

Our World in Data — Local Democracy, from the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Global Observatory on Local Finance

Lists of Cities (via Wikimedia)

Direct Democracy Navigator.

Participatory Budgeting Project. Resource Library. Includes data on participatory budgeting initiatives in various cities and region.

Country-Specific and City-Specific Data

New York City Open Data Provides a wide range of data related to local governance, including budget, services, and demographics.

London Datastore Offers data on various aspects of local governance and services in London.

Australia Open Data Provides datasets related to local government and services in Australia.

European Union EU Open Data Portal

Canada’s Open Government Portal Includes datasets on local governance, municipal finance, and more for Canadian cities and municipalities.

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