On this page, we are collecting information on the effects of the measures taken to halt the spread of the COVID-19 virus on democracy in Palau.

Information on COVID-19 measures and democracy

Type of measures Measures & sources
Limitations to freedom of movement

Despite Palau being coronavirus -free, the government introduced some preventive measures.

  • all schools in Palau were closed until 3 April.
  • all government-sponsored events, workshops and official overseas travel have been postponed indefinitely.
  • Vice President Raynold Oilouch, who is also the chairman of the National Emergency Committee, discouraged mass gatherings of more than 50 people.
  • Although Palau was not closing its airport and seaports, flights from Guam are reduced to once a week starting on 26 March.
  • Flights from Manila are stopped until 3 May.

14 May:

  • The ministry of health has provided regulations for reopening of public life

Update 28 May: No date has been announced for the easing of travel restrictions


29 July:

  • Public Schools may reopen as of August 3, under guidelines
Limitations to electoral rights


Limitation to civil rights



Risks to data security  
Limitations to freedom of information  
Emergency powers for government
  • On March 17, the Minister of Health certified COVID-19 as an "unavoidable emergency". “…The purpose of the certification is to put the government on alert and to enable the Ministry of Health to access the Hospital Trust Fund, opening up another source of funds to help with prevention and preparation," the president said in a statement.
  • Congress has appropriated an additional nearly one million US dollars to the Hospital Trust Fund. It is also authorising up to six million in reserve funding to help maintain government services in the face of declining tourism revenue.
Corona laws - full text  


Last updated on 04.08.2020


Please note that we are constantly updating the information under rapidly changing circumstances, the information on this page should not be taken to be a complete overview of measures in a country. 

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