On this page, we are collecting information on the effects of the measures taken to halt the spread of the COVID-19 virus on democracy in Belgium.


Information on COVID-19 measures and democracy

Type of measures Measures & sources
Limitations to freedom of movement
  • Gatherings of more than 2 people who do not live in the same household are banned. At least until 19 April. Non-compliance is punishable by a fine.
  • "Non-essential" cross-border travel is banned.

   15 April:

  • The lockdown has been extended until 3 May.

   19 April:

  • Easing of the restrictions has been planned from 11 May (outdoors activities, opening business...),

   15 May:

  • Proposal of reopening the borders on 15 June, still under discussion.

   18 May:

  • The government further lifted restrictions

3 June:

  • Restaurants and bars to reopen on June 8. Borders will also open on June 15.

4 June:

  • Social-distancing rules have been eased

1 July:

  • Phase 4 of the lifting of lockdown restrictions begins, increasing the size of the social "bubble" one may have, and allowing most businesses to reopen including the likes of cinemas
Limitations to electoral rights  
Limitation to civil rights

27 May:

  • Belgium primary schools and nurseries to reopen on June 8th & 2nd respectively.
Risks to data security

   4 May:

  • Contact-tracing pilot project started. “Corona detectives” would trace the people who have been in contact with confirmed patients, call them and gather information on their movements. Data are collected in a private cloud and stored in a secure database on the computers of the National Research Institute Sciensano.
Limitations to freedom of information


Emergency powers for government
  • New, temporary, minority government can take measures concerning the health and social-economic aspects of the COVID-19 crisis without having to seek the approval of parliament for three months.
Corona laws - full text
Last updated on 10.07.2020


Please note that we are constantly updating the information under rapidly changing circumstances, the information on this page should not be taken to be a complete overview of measures in a country. 

See some information that is missing? Let us know about it here.