Limitations to freedom of movement |
12 March:
13 March:
- In a special public appearance Xavier Espot announces the closure of all public establishments except basic stores, pharmacies and gas stations during two weeks.[16][17]
16 March:
- The Prime Minister orders the closing of all construction and industrial activity as the coronavirus cases rose by 9 to amount to 14 infected people.[20][21] (Wikipedia)
It is allowed to leave home on alternate days, provided that the following indications are met:
- A daily exit from the home is allowed for therapeutic reasons, for the disabled with a companion, provided they are compliant with the instructions given in the previous point to the extent possible.
- Leaving the house must be properly planned so that it can serve several purposes: physical activity, shopping or walking the dog (you can take a longer walk with the animal; the other types of exits can only last the minimum time needed to fullfill their purpose).
- Going out alone and at most with cohabitants must be prioritized.
- For physical activity or going for a walk, the maximum distance from the home address cannot exceed 2 kilometers. It is prohibited to take a vehicle and move to other places for physical activity.
- The maximum time allowed outside for these purposes is one hour a day (on alternate days).
- The use of masks is obligatory (they can be homemade, hygienic or surgical).
- The use of sports and leisure equipment made available in parks and gardens is prohibited to prevent contact with contaminated surfaces.
- Benches can be used, but you should avoid touching them with your hands.
- Only individual sports activities, such as walking or running, are allowed. Cycling and risky sports are not allowed due to the risk of falling.
- In case of walking or running coinciding with people other than cohabitants, a minimum distance of 4 meters and 10 meters in case of running should be respected. It is advisable to walk or run diagonally or parallel to the people on the route to minimize exposure to potential particles of the virus in people generated air suspension (see Annex 2).
- Proper hand hygiene must be done before and after going outside.
- It is advisable to use the stairs instead of the lift whenever possible.
- Groups of people beyond cohabitation are prohibited.
- People can leave their home for an hour's walk or hike on alternate days on these conditions:
- People living in even number buildings can go out on even days of the month and those living in odd-numbered buildings may go out on odd days of the month. For houses that do not have a number, the alphabetical criterion of the name of the house will be followed: even houses with initials from A to M can go out on even days, and even houses from N to Z on odd days.
Time slots are reserved according to the following:
- People who do physical activity (running or walking fast): from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and from 7pm to 9pm.
- People over 70 and vulnerable groups, possibly accompanied by a caregiver or cohabitants: from 11am to 2pm.
- The time slots from 9am to 11am and 2pm to 7pm are free for other people to walk, hike or shop, always in compliance with the provisions of the directions section.
- In places where large numbers of people are to be expected, the instructions with the rules to be followed must be clearly written: social distance, hygiene measures before and after the exercise, and basic hygiene measures for the prevention of infection. At least at the beginning of the measures it is advisable to be vigilant to avoid agglomerations.
- Community leaders must endeavor and ensure the hygiene of street furniture and adapt organizational and hygienic measures according to their resources and their demographic particularities.
- Communities may establish circuits as they see fit. For example, one-way walking or running circuits to prevent crossings of people.
- Street furniture (benches and railings) must be cleaned before departure for the elderly
- As Andorra relies on workpower communting from Spain, the borders remain open.
15 April:
- The government started easing the confinement restrictions (for outside physical activity and walking).
20 April:
- Business started reopening
14 May:
- The government announced that Andorran citizens, who have to move for health reasons, due to force majeure or in a situation of need, can go to Spain. (if the travel requires overnight stay, people have to follow the quarantine rules in Spain, but no quarantine is required once they are back in Andorra).
27 May:
- The majority of the economic sector, as well as sports and cultural facilities will be able to resume activity as of June 1st
9 June:
- The government lifts some restrictions, however, maintaining social distancing measures (1.5 m distance)
23 June:
- Playgrounds are reopened, but activities have to be organized in stable groups to limit the potential spread of COVID-19.