Over this year, we at Democracy International have hosted several webinars on direct democracy in different countries and of different types, from Taiwan to Ecuador and from global states of direct democracy to the use of very specific tools.

But when I took a look at the Global State of Direct Democracy report, I realised there is one group that somehow until this moment, has never been in our spotlight. The Small Island States and direct democracy there. And so I am thrilled to invite you to learn more about direct democracy in Small Island States on 24 October, 17:30 CEST!

Did you know, that in 2023, Micronesia passed a constitutional reform to lower the supermajority requirement for referendums? It gives us hope to see more direct democracy there! To find out more, we will dive into the specifics of referendum use in the North Pacific region and in Crown Dependencies. We will also speak more generally about the following: What are the peculiarities of using direct democracy in small states in comparison to larger ones? Why would Small Island States be interested in direct democracy?

When? 24 October at 17:30 CEST, online. Register here.
Language? English

  • What are Small Island States and why they might be interested in direct democracy
  • Specifics of direct democracy in Small Island States
  • Cases from the North Pacific region and in Crown Dependencies
  • Q&A session with speakers

Dr Caroline Morris, Professor of Constitutional Law and the Director of the Centre for Small States, Queen Mary University of London
Professor Peter Edge, a member of the Centre for Global Politics, Economy and Society, Oxford Brookes University