We're taking the Global Forum online!

Join us for the first-ever Online Forum on Modern Direct Democracy! The world's largest gathering devoted to issues of direct democracy and citizens' participation, this year will take place in cyberspace.

The Online Forum on Modern Direct Democracy will take place from 21 – 29  September 2020 on Zoom.

Throughout our week-long conference we want to bring together perspectives on democracy from civil society, academia and administrations.

We will focus our attention on four thematic tracks:

We want to hear from you! Join a panel or offer a practical workshop relating to one of these tracks.

Additionally, we are organising an Open Space on Saturday 26 September, during which 10 people will be given the opportunity to host their own workshop. Send us your proposal using this form.

Please note that if you host a workshop, you will be required to take part in a preparatory session during the week of 14-18 September. Technical and moderation assistance will be provided for your session by the Forum organisers.